sabato 26 settembre 2015

Bando comunitario dell’Iniziativa congiunta sulle bio-industrie - Horizon 2020.

Scadrà il 3 Dicembre 2015 il termine ultimo per la presentazione di progetti di Ricerca e Innovazione sulle bio-industrie, finanziati nell'ambito Programma di Horizon 2020 - Societal Challenges.
Compito dello stesso sarà quello di favorire la creazione di una bio-industria europea solida e competitiva e sarà articolato nei seguenti Avvisi,ciascuno per settore di riferimento:
-BBI.VC4.D6-2015:”Organic acids from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)”;
-BBI.VC3.R9-2015:”Valorisation of aquatic biomass”;
-BBI.VC3.R8-2015:”Increasing productivity of industrial multi-purpose agricultural crops”;
-BBI.VC3.D5-2015:”Valorisation of agricultural residues and side streams from the agro-food industry”;
-BBI.VC3.D4-2015:”High purity bio-based intermediates and end products from vegetable oils and fats”;
-BBI.VC3.D3-2015:”Production of bio-based elastomers from Europe-grown feedstock”;
-BBI.VC2.R7-2015:”Tailoring tree species to produce wood designed for industrial processes and biorefining purposes”;
-BBI.VC2.R6-2015:”Sustainable cellulose-based materials”;
-BBI.VC2.R5-2015:”Practices increasing effectiveness of forest management”;
-BBI.VC2.R4-2015:”Separation and extraction technologies for added value compounds from wood and forest-based residues”;
-BBI.VC2.D2-2015:”Innovative cellulose-based composite packaging solutions”;
-BBI.VC1.R3-2015:”Bio-based functional molecules for coating and surface treatment”;
-BBI.VC1.R2-2015:”Pre-treatment of lignocellulose with simultaneous removal of contaminants and separation of lignin and cellulosic fractions”;
-BBI.VC1.R1-2015:”Conversion of lignin-rich streams from biorefineries”;
-BBI.VC1.D1-2015:”Lignocellulosic feedstocks into chemical building blocks and high added value products”;
-BBI.S2-2015:”Communication and awareness”;
-BBI.S1-2015:”Standards and regulations”;
-BBI.R10-2015:”Innovative efficient biorefinery technologies”;
-BBI.D7-2015:”Overcoming low product yields from fermentation processes”.
La Commissione europea fornirà, per ciascun bando, il valore indicativo di budget finanziabile.


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